El Plan (Acústico)

Artista: Africa Rove

Duración: 196.684 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2023-02-14

El Plan (Acústico) lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: El Plan (Acústico)

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmXzIV-z7y8

Letra de El Plan (Acústico)

Significado de la letra: El Plan (Acústico)

Esta canción "El Plan (Acústico)" del artista "Africa Rove" se estrenó el 2023-02-14, tiene una duración de 196.684 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: . Main event of Town Bidness 2. Soul Khan’s first time battling since he “retired” in 2010.\n\nThis battle is known for a few things besides being the main event. It currently holds the title as the longest battle ever at about 95 minutes long. This beats Murda Mook vs. Aye Verb battle which was about 85 minutes long. It’s worth noting that there were many edits to the version that was released on YouTube which actually cut into its total runtime. Most notably the pauses between most of Soul Khan’s lines and a spot at the end of Dizaster’s 1st round where he snatched a folder out of Soul Khan’s hands and ripped it into pieces (forcing Soul Khan to work off documents he had on his phone).\n\nThis battle also has the distinction of having the longest round of all time. Dizaster shattered the previous record (formerly held by Murda Mook for his 24 minute 3rd round against Aye Verb) by rapping a third round that clocked in at 29 and\na half minutes long.\n\nPrior to the battle, Dizaster and Soul Khan had a “faceoff” which is typically used to promote the match up by having the battlers talk shit to each other. In this case however, there faceoff was a lot more civil and lighthearted.\n\n\n\n
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Este sitio se dedica a la educación musical y el análisis de letras de canciones. Se proporciona contenido con fines de crítica, comentario y enseñanza, de acuerdo con las politicas del sitio.

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