Found You First

Artista: Alec Benjamin

Duración: 163.014 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-11-28

Found You First lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Found You First

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Letra de Found You First

Some look up at the stars and wonder if there's signs of life

On Jupiter and Mars or if we're all alone tonight

I don't care about that

All I care about is that

You're with me in the car and when you are right by my side

Don't really need the stars because your heart is all that I

Really care about, so

I just want you to know

If there was other life in the galaxy

More fish swimming in the sea

I'd only have eyes for you, you'd be

Still be the only one for me

If there was other life in the universe

Tell them you're mine, I found you first

I'd only have eyes for you, you'd be

Still be the only one for me, mm-mm

It's infinite, the depth inside your soul, it never ends

To know you is to know that there's no way I could pretend

I could ever go back

I can't ever go back

I'm infinitely falling for you, intimately close

Like planets, I revolve around, your gravity's got hold

And it won't let me go (No, it won't let me go)

I just want you to know

If there was other life in the galaxy

More fish swimming in the sea

I'd only have eyes for you, you'd be

Still be the only one for me

If there was other life in the universe

Tell them you're mine, I found you first

I'd only have eyes for you, you'd be

Still be the only one for me

There's no place I could find

Someone as one of a kind

You're the only one on my mind

You're the only one on my mind

If there was other life in the galaxy

More fish swimming in the sea

I'd only have eyes for you, you'd be

Still be the only one for me

If there was other life in the universe

Tell them you're mine, I found you first

I'd only have eyes for you, you'd be

Still be the only one for me, mm-mm

Ba-mm, da-mm, da-mm, mm

Compuesta por: Alec Benjamin ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: Found You First

Esta canción "Found You First" del artista "Alec Benjamin" se estrenó el 2024-11-28, tiene una duración de 163.014 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: . No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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