Carry You Home (feat. Ella Henderson)

Artista: Alex Warren

Duración: 166.88 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-11-28

Carry You Home (feat. Ella Henderson) lyrics

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Letra de Carry You Home (feat. Ella Henderson)

Oh, I hope you know I will carry you home

Whether it's tonight or 55 years down the road

Oh, I know there's so many ways that this could go

Don't want you to wonder, darling, I need you to know

We were talking to the sunset

Throwing dreams against the wall (oh, oh, oh)

I know none of them have stuck yet

But I bet it on you, honey, oh, I would risk it all

These days, these nights, are changing

Mama, my mind, is set on you

I'm not afraid to say it, to say it's true

Oh, I hope you know I will carry you home

Whether it's tonight or 55 years down the road

Oh, I know there's so many ways that this could go

Don't want you to wonder, darling, I need you to know

In this and every life

I choose us every time (whoa)

Oh, oh, oh

Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

We were California Dreamin'

Our whole life fit in that car

Didn't have a bed to sleep in

We kept each other warm under a ceiling full of stars

These days, these nights, are changing

Mama, my mind, is set on you

I'm not afraid to say it, to say I do

Oh, I hope you know I will carry you home

Whether it's tonight or 55 years down the road

Oh, I know there's so many ways that this could go

Don't want you to wonder, darling, I need you to know

In this and every life

I choose us every time (whoa)

Oh, oh, oh

Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, I hope you know I will carry you home

Whether it's tonight or 55 years down the road

Compuesta por: Alex Warren, Ella Henderson ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: Carry You Home (feat. Ella Henderson)

Esta canción "Carry You Home (feat. Ella Henderson)" del artista "Alex Warren" se estrenó el 2024-11-28, tiene una duración de 166.88 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: . No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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