Burning Down

Artista: Alex Warren

Duración: 179.437 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-11-28

Burning Down lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Burning Down

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR8wIpb7ZEU

Letra de Burning Down

I guess you never know

Someone you think you know

Can't see the knife when you're too close, too close

It scars forever when

Someone you called your friend

Shows you the truth can be so cold, so cold

I'd wipe the dirt of your name

With the shirt off my back

I thought that you'd do the same

But you didn't do that


Said I'm the one who's wanted

For all the fires you started

You knew the house was burning down

I had to get out

You led your saints and sinners

And fed 'em lies for dinner

You knew the house was burning down

And look at you now

(And look at you now)

How do you sleep at night?

No one to hide behind

Betrayed every alibi you had, you had, you had

Every chance to make amends

'Stead you got drunk on bitterness and you

Still claim that you're innocent, it's sad

That you said I'm the one who's wanted

For all the fires you started

You knew the house was burning down

I had to get out

You led your saints and sinners

And fed 'em lies for dinner

You knew the house was burning down

(And look at you now)

Used to tell me you'd pray for me

You were praying for my downfall

You were digging a grave for me

We were sharing the same four walls

Used to tell me you'd pray for me

You were praying for my downfall

You were digging a grave for me

We were sharing the same four walls

And you

Said I'm the one who's wanted

For all the fires you started

You knew the house was burning down

I had to get out

You led your saints and sinners

And fed 'em lies for dinner

You knew the house was burning down

Used to tell me you'd pray for me (Pray for me)

You were praying for my downfall (For my downfall)

You were digging a grave for me (For me)

We were sharing the same four walls

Used to tell me you'd pray for me

You were praying for my downfall

You were digging a grave for me

We were sharing the same four walls

And you

Significado de la letra: Burning Down

Esta canción "Burning Down" del artista "Alex Warren" se estrenó el 2024-11-28, tiene una duración de 179.437 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: . No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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