Antéro Gomes
Biografía de Antéro Gomes:
Descripción no disponible.
Álbumes Populares
Cap-Vert: un archipel de musiques (Cap Verde: An Archipel of Music)
Artistas Populares
The Women's Folklore Ensemble Of Suzgarye
Bechuana singers
Barbro Abrahamsen
João Cego
Muslim women singing in Waiama
Abraham Sidumedi and Group of 6 Men
Betsileo Du Sud
A large group with 25 women singers and 12 men dancers
Male singers
Two Abakwa society male Lucumi singers with iya drum and atchere
Francis Foso and Francis Ramoholi
Man and woman of Colla
Makuai dance leader, Shingomana dancers
Llario Sanchez
People of Canas
People of Andamarca
Martha Dick
Annie Banda, Ida Sakala, and Lekesina Banda
The Witchmen
Orchestre Ratianarivo