
Artista: Benson Boone

Duración: 190.359 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-04-05

Friend lyrics

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Letra de Friend

I've been on my own

Tryin' to carry this alone

Only so much weight my back could take

I'm sinking like a stone

Now I see my face in a broken window pane

I could use someone

To help me pick up the pieces that remain

When everything is blue

All I need is you

I'm so close to the edge

And I need a friend, I need a friend

Somebody when the world starts caving in

I need a hand, I need a friend

I'm trying to remember what it's like

To be young and alive

I'm so close to the edge

And I need a friend, I need a friend

Oh, where are you now?

I've been calling to reach out

'Cause I'm only a human going through it

My eyes rain like clouds

Would you take my call when my head's against the wall?

And would you sit me down and hear me out?

Would you call me beautiful?

I'm so close to the edge

And I need a friend, I need a friend

Somebody when the world starts caving in

I need a hand, I need a friend

I'm trying to remember what it's like

To be young and alive

I'm so close to the edge

And I need a friend, I need a friend, oh

When everything is blue

(I need a friend, I need a friend)

All I need is you

(I need a friend)

I'm so close to the edge

And I need a friend, I need a friend

Somebody when the world starts caving in

I need your hand, I need a friend

Compuesta por: Benson Boone ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: Friend

Esta canción "Friend" del artista "Benson Boone" se estrenó el 2024-04-05, tiene una duración de 190.359 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: singer-songwriter pop. “Friend” is the penultimate track off of Benson Boone’s debut album, titled ‘Fireworks & Rollerblades’. The track is probably the most vulnerable in terms of lyrics. The track’s lyrics talk a lot about Boone realising he needs help with his inner mental struggles, finding it hard to live without experiencing strong emotions that are hard to deal with.
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