Letra de Intro
Do you believe there is a life
Where it's just you and me and I?
We don't need to wait, we don't need a sign
It's only you and me and I
And do you believe there is a life
Where it's just you and me and I?
We don't need to wait, we don't need a sign
It's only you and me and I!
Compuesta por: Benson Boone ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.
Letra añadida por Fito Salas¿Viste algún error? Envíanos una revisión.
Significado de la letra: Intro
Esta canción "Intro" del artista "Benson Boone" se estrenó el 2024-04-05, tiene una duración de 62.287 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: singer-songwriter pop. “Intro” is the first track off of Benson Boone’s debut album, titled ‘Fireworks & Rollerblades’. The track serves as a hint at what the album talks alot about, finding love and overwhelming emotions. In particular, this song talks about Boone’s interest in letting his partner/lover know that he is up for a relationship and is willing to let the world just be theirs, essentially.
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Este sitio se dedica a la educación musical y el análisis de letras de canciones. Se proporciona contenido con fines de crítica, comentario y enseñanza, de acuerdo con las políticas del sitio.
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