Ghost Town

Artista: Benson Boone

Duración: 193.733 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-04-05

Ghost Town lyrics

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Letra de Ghost Town

You fill me up 'til you're empty

I took too much and you let me

We've been down all these roads before

And what we found don't live there anymore

It's dark, it's cold

If my hand is not the one you're meant to hold

Maybe you'd be happier with someone else

Maybe loving me's the reason you can't love yourself

Before I turn your heart into a ghost town

Show me everything we built, so I can tear it all down


Down, down, down

You know I'll stay, don't you tempt me

But all this weight is getting heavy

Been holding up what wasn't meant to stand

I turned this love into a wasteland

It's dark, it's cold

If my hand is not the one you're meant to hold

Maybe you'd be happier with someone else

Maybe loving me's the reason you can't love yourself

Before I turn your heart into a ghost town

Show me everything we built, so I can tear it all down


Down, down, down

Tear it all down


Down, down, down

The streets are empty

Where love once was but it's faded away

These broken memories

I'm left here alone and afraid to say

Maybe you'd be happier with someone else


Maybe you'd be happier with someone else

Maybe loving me's the reason you can't love yourself

Before I turn your heart into a ghost town

Show me everything we built, so I can tear it all down


Down, down, down

Tear it all down


Down, down, down

I'll tear it all down

I'll tear it all down

Compuesta por: Benson Boone ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: Ghost Town

Esta canción "Ghost Town" del artista "Benson Boone" se estrenó el 2024-04-05, tiene una duración de 193.733 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: singer-songwriter pop. ‘Ghost Town’ is an original song by Benson Boone, Benson was on American Idol but quit to pursue music further. This song is about a past relationship and the breakup effects it has on a person. This song is a very personal and comforting song to someone who has been through a rough relationship and is remembering that part of their life. Ghost Town is a song that has emotion in each line and the meaning of the song is about a person wanting to move on from a relationship after it has ended or when things aren’t going great.
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