my strange addiction

Artista: Billie Eilish

Duración: 179.889 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2019-03-29

my strange addiction lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: my strange addiction

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Letra de my strange addiction

No, Billy, I haven't done that dance since my wife died

There's a whole crowd of people out there

Who need to learn how to do the Scarn

Don't ask questions you don't wanna know

Learned my lesson way too long ago

To be talking to you, belladonna

Shoulda taken a break, not an Oxford comma

Take what I want when I wanna

And I want ya

Bad, bad news

One of us is gonna lose

I'm the powder, you're the fuse

Just add some friction

You are my strange addiction

You are my strange addiction

My doctors can't explain

My symptoms or my pain

But you are my strange addiction

I'm really, really sorry, I think I was just relieved

To see that Micheal Scarn got his confidence back

Yeah, Michael, the movie is amazing, though

It's like, one of the best movies I've ever seen in my life

Deadly fever, please don't ever break

Be my reliever 'cause I don't self-medicate

And it burns like a gin and I like it

Put your lips on my skin, and you might ignite it

Hurts, but I know how to hide it

Kinda like it

Bad, bad news

One of us is gonna lose

I'm the powder, you're the fuse

Just add some friction

You are my strange addiction

You are my strange addiction

My doctors can't explain

My symptoms or my pain

But you are my strange addiction

Bite my glass, set myself on fire

Can't you tell I'm a crass? Can't you tell I'm wired?

Tell me "nothing lasts," like I don't know

You could kiss my-, asking about my motto

You should enter in festivals, or carnivals

Thoughts? Pretty good reaction

It's pretty cool, right?

You are my strange addiction

You are my strange addiction

My doctors can't explain

My symptoms or my pain

But you are my strange addiction

Did you like it? Did you like that?

Um, which part?

Compuesta por: Billie Eilish ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: my strange addiction

Esta canción "my strange addiction" del artista "Billie Eilish" se estrenó el 2019-03-29, tiene una duración de 179.889 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: art pop, pop. “my strange addiction” was most likely named after the TLC documentary series My Strange Addiction, a show about people with unusual compulsive behaviors.\n\nEilish initially teased the then-unreleased track in an Instagram story posted in 2018, and once again in another Instagram story, marking one week until the album’s release. She confirmed the snippet was indeed of “my strange addiction” in a follow-up post, pointing to the song on a screenshotted tracklist.\n\nAnother believed snippet of the track circulated since it was posted on Eilish’s Instagram story, but turned out to be unrelated.\n\nSome believed a clip of unreleased track “i don’t know, i just wish i wasn’t breathing” was a snippet of “my strange addiction,” but the theory was debunked after Eilish confirmed to PopBuzz that the track in question was unfinished, and would not be included on the album.\n\nThe song samples vocal snippets from Season 7 Episode 17 of the American situational comedy, The Office.\n\nThe song’s Spotify artwork was done by @tomatosita on Instagram.
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