
Artista: Billie Eilish

Duración: 156.37 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2019-03-29

ilomilo lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: ilomilo

URL de YouTube:

Letra de ilomilo

Told you not to worry

But maybe that's a lie

Honey, what's your hurry?

Won't you stay inside?

Remember not to get too close to stars

They're never gonna give you love like ours

Where did you go?

I should know, but it's cold

And I don't wanna be lonely

So show me the way home

I can't lose another life

Hurry, I'm worried

The world's a little blurry

Or maybe it's my eyes

The friends I've had to bury

They keep me up at night

Said I couldn't love someone

'Cause I might break

If you're gonna die, not by mistake

So, where did you go?

I should know, but it's cold

And I don't wanna be lonely

So tell me you'll come home

Even if it's just a lie

I tried not to upset you

Let you, rescue, me the day I met you

I just wanted to protect you

But now I'll never get to

Hurry, I'm worried

Where did you go?

I should know, but it's cold

And I don't wanna be lonely

Was hoping you'd come home

I don't care if it's a lie

Compuesta por: Billie Eilish ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: ilomilo

Esta canción "ilomilo" del artista "Billie Eilish" se estrenó el 2019-03-29, tiene una duración de 156.37 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: art pop, pop. “ilomilo” references the 2010 puzzle game of the same name where the player must unite “Ilo” and “Milo,” small round characters on separate ends of the level who require teamwork to meet at the end.\nFinneas confirmed this when he replied to a fan’s Instagram story.\nThe track’s title is pronounced “ee-low-mee-low.”\n\nAs WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? is based on fears, Billie confirmed to a fan on Instagram that “ilomilo” is about the fear of separation.\n\nAccording to Billie on her featured episode of First We Feast’s Hot Ones:\n\n…The whole idea is the game, it’s just like, losing the person you love and then finding them again.\n\nIn an interview with Radio Energy, Eilish listed “ilomilo” as “—one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written in my life.”\n\nThe beat of the song was teased at the end of “bury a friend.”\n\nThe song’s Spotify artwork was done by @junkie.cowboy on Instagram.
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