The Beginning of the End

Artista: Billy Strings

Duración: 237.2 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-09-27

The Beginning of the End lyrics

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Letra de The Beginning of the End

This is the beginning of the end

It's been a real nice time and I can't wait

To see you all again

This is the beginning of the end

If there's anyone around

You throw your arm around a friend

'Cause the end of today

Could be the end of the way we've been living

And if you wind end up on the wrong side of the road

You'll always have a hand to hold

It's like a dream that I just never want to end

I wish I could stay right here with all my best friends

It's the end of the line

It's the end of the show

It's the end of the record

Even though I hate to go

I could stay here for a while

If I had nowhere to be

But this old highway keeps on calling

For the end of you and me

So this is the beginning of the end

It's been a real nice time and I can't wait

To see you folks again

This is the beginning of the end

If there's anyone around

You throw your arm around a friend

At the end of the day

It's the end of the way we've been living

And if you wind end up on the wrong side of the road

You'll always have a hand to hold

It's like a dream that I just never want to end

Wish I could stay right here with all my best friends

It's the end of the line

It's the end of the show

It's the end of the record

Even though I hate to go

I could stay here for a while

If I had nowhere to be

But this old highway keeps on calling

For the end of you and me

So this is the beginning of the end

It's been a real nice time and I can't wait

To see you folks again

This is the beginning of the end

If there's anyone around

You throw your arm around a friend

If there's anyone around

You hold them close 'cause it's the end

Compuesta por: Billy Strings ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: The Beginning of the End

Esta canción "The Beginning of the End" del artista "Billy Strings" se estrenó el 2024-09-27, tiene una duración de 237.2 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: jam band, jamgrass, progressive bluegrass. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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