Red Rocking Chair

Artista: Billy Strings

Duración: 253.853 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2016-06-10

Red Rocking Chair lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Red Rocking Chair

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Letra de Red Rocking Chair

Well, I've got no use for the red rocking chair

I ain't got no money, baby now

I ain't got no honey, baby now

Who'll rock the cradle?

Who will sing a song?

Who'll rock the cradle when I'm gone??

Yes, who'll rock cradle when I'm gone

Well, I'll rock the cradle

I will sing a song

I'll rock the cradle when you're gone

Yes, I'll rock the cradle when you're gone

It's all I can do

It's all I can say

Can't live together this way

We can't live together this way

It's all I can do

It's all I can say

I'll send it to your momma next payday

I'll send it to your momma next payday

Well, I've got no use for the red rocking chair

I ain't got no honey, baby now

I ain't got no honey, baby now

I've got no use for the red rocking chair

I ain't got no honey, baby now

I ain't got no honey, baby now

I ain't got no honey, baby now

Compuesta por: Billy Strings ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: Red Rocking Chair

Esta canción "Red Rocking Chair" del artista "Billy Strings" se estrenó el 2016-06-10, tiene una duración de 253.853 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: jam band, jamgrass, progressive bluegrass. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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