
Artista: Billy Strings

Duración: 165.576 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-09-27

Leadfoot lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Leadfoot

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mhCJQZHDEA

Letra de Leadfoot

Well Leadfoot Leadfoot racing from the sun

Got a 502 in an old Chevelle, he's letting' them ponies run

Leadfoot Leadfoot carrying' a heavy load

Now don't you step out in the way when he's racing down the road

Well I heard old Leadfoot coming from a mile and a half away

I stepped out on the street there and here's what I had to say

I said "hey now, hey now, slow that old thing down

This city ain't your highway and you're tearing up my town"

Now Leadfoot Leadfoot racing from the sun

Got a 502 in an old Chevelle, he's letting' them ponies run

Well late last night I heard the crash from up by Yeoman's Hill

It was the feeling I had all along

I knew he'd finally killed himself in that old car

And I ran down to see the risin' flame

Just then I realized I never even knew his name

Just called him Leadfoot Leadfoot racing from the sun

Had a 502 in an old Chevelle, he was letting' them ponies run

Compuesta por: Billy Strings ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: Leadfoot

Esta canción "Leadfoot" del artista "Billy Strings" se estrenó el 2024-09-27, tiene una duración de 165.576 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: jam band, jamgrass, progressive bluegrass. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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