Carola Barker
Biografía de Carola Barker:
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Álbumes Populares
Top Songs & Themes from the Movies - 15 Favourite Film Hits - Pt. 1
Best of Music: Movie Sound Tracks
Pop Ballads, Vol. 10
Pop Ballads, Vol. 3
Pop Chicks, Vol. 5
Pop Chicks, Vol. 1
Artistas Populares
Deanna Barry
New Valley Orchestra & Chorus
The Martinis
Cher Overton
The Big Band Soul
London West End Singers
New York Wedding Band
The Popcorn Buckets
Eden King
The Palladium Singers
Barry Lyon
Eve Boyle
The Blues All Stars
Elkin & Miller
Stage School
Velvet Prison
Movie Hits
Paul Bridge
Lance Pierce
Ken Barrows