Floor to Crawl

Artista: Charley Crockett

Duración: 164.001 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2021-02-26

Floor to Crawl lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Floor to Crawl

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkcQh6W9kig

Letra de Floor to Crawl

There ain't a problem I've got

That the world don't know about

And when I get tied in knots

They all wanna straighten me out

But every now and then

I catch one on my chin

And at times like these

I guess that nobody sees

I need a floor to crawl

And a wall to climb

Twenty-foot hall

And a door I can hide behind

Because when I fall

Who knows what I might find

I need a floor to crawl

And a wall to climb

So if you don't see me out

Look underneath the cracks

Don't let yourself have a doubt

I won't be coming back

It may be a year

Or in a month or two

But in a hundred million tears

My dear, I'll be running right back to you

I need a floor to crawl

And a wall to climb

Twenty-foot hall

And a door I can hide behind

Because when I fall

Who knows what I might find

I need a floor to crawl

And a wall to climb

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Significado de la letra: Floor to Crawl

Esta canción "Floor to Crawl" del artista "Charley Crockett" se estrenó el 2021-02-26, tiene una duración de 164.001 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: new americana, southern americana. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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