Sympathy is a knife

Artista: Charli xcx

Duración: 151.125 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-10-14

Sympathy is a knife lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Sympathy is a knife

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Letra de Sympathy is a knife

Significado de la letra: Sympathy is a knife

Esta canción "Sympathy is a knife" del artista "Charli xcx" se estrenó el 2024-10-14, tiene una duración de 151.125 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: art pop, candy pop, metropopolis, pop, uk pop. “Sympathy is a knife” shows Charli’s self-doubts, and that, despite the album’s exterior theme of unashamed courage, Charli herself still suffers from the pressure of public opinion.\n\nCharli suggests that feigned sympathy from others cuts her like a knife. Though the pretense is that the ‘sympathy’ is meant to ‘save’ her ego, it actually makes it hard for her to understand whether someone is being real with her, or if they are behaving artificially in order to save their image. As a result, she is ‘spiraling.’
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