
Artista: chloe moriondo

Duración: 244473 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2025-01-14

shoreline lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: shoreline

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Letra de shoreline

There's a lot we never got to do

And you are somewhere off my radar

Nowadays, nowadays

I do look for you in others sometimes

I'm scared I'm forgetting what it felt like

What you sound like

I miss you, I'm bitter, but not all the time

And you know I'm no quitter

So I will love you 'til I die

You know I'll love you 'til we die

You can say that you're always there

But I can't find you anywhere

You're still so mean and sweet at the same time

Left me alone on the shoreline

Washеd up and waiting at high tide

(Washed up and waiting at high tide)

It was so hard to know whеre to go without you

And it shows how I'd grow

There's a space at the root

Didn't wanna learn without you

But I did because I had to

I miss you, I'm bitter, but not all the time

And I am no quitter so I will love you 'til I die (Baby)

You know I'll love you 'til I die

You can say that you're always there

But I can't find you anywhere

You're still so mean and sweet at the same time

Left me alone on the shoreline

Washed up and waiting at high tide

You can say you're a call away

But I only wanted you to stay

You're still so mean and sweet at the same time

Left me alone on the shoreline

Washed up and waiting at high tide

(Washed up and waiting at high tide)

Still at the shipwreck and you're not here yet

I know it hasn't even been a year

But I'm still at the shipwreck and you're not here yet

I wish that I could ever have you near

You can say that you're always there

But I can't find you anywhere

You're still so mean and sweet at the same time

Left me alone on the shoreline

Washed up and waiting at high tide

You can say you're a call away

But I only wanted you to stay

You're still so mean and sweet at the same time

Left me alone on the shoreline

Washed up and waiting at high tide

(Washed up and waiting at high tide)

Compuesta por: chloe moriondo ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: shoreline

Esta canción "shoreline" del artista "chloe moriondo" se estrenó el 2025-01-14, tiene una duración de 244473 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: bedroom pop. No se encontró la información de la canción.
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