Up To No Good Livin'

Artista: Chris Stapleton

Duración: 245.693 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2017-05-05

Up To No Good Livin' lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Up To No Good Livin'

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOWS7tSinzs

Letra de Up To No Good Livin'

Wish I could come home from working

And not have her checking my breath

I'm tired of her turning her questions

Into the Gettysburg Address

There's no reason why she shouldn't trust me

The fact that she don't makes me mad

Can't count all the times that I've begged her

Honey, just let my past be the past

I used to drink like a fish and run like a dog

Without a whole lotta shit not committed by law

People called me the Picasso-of-painting-the-town

I've finally grown up

I've finally changed in that someone I was

To somebody I am

But she finds it hard to believe that she's turned me around

I know I'll probably die before I live all my


Gave up on bringing her flowers

That just kept making things worse

I ain't been guilty of nothing

But being the man she deserves

I used to drink like a fish and run like a dog

Without a whole lotta shit not committed by law

People called me the Picasso-of-painting-the-town

I've finally grown up

I've finally changed in that someone I was

To somebody I am

But she finds it hard to believe that she's turned me around

You know I'll probably die before I live all my


I used to cuss like a sailor and howl at the moon

And I woke up some morning with I-don't-know-who

But I never dreamed back then I'd have to pay for it now

You know I'll probably die before I live all my


Yeah, I'll hate to die before I live all my


Compuesta por: Chris Stapleton ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: Up To No Good Livin'

Esta canción "Up To No Good Livin'" del artista "Chris Stapleton" se estrenó el 2017-05-05, tiene una duración de 245.693 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: contemporary country, outlaw country. A man struggling to escape his past. There was a time, before he settled down, when he took advantage of his freedom to party. Hard. But it was a conscious decision and he knew he’d be able to set it all aside when the time came, and assumed everyone would let him. He was wrong on the second point–he’s moved on from that life, but the woman he’s with hasn’t forgotten about it.
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