
Artista: Coldplay

Duración: 266.773 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-09-26

Yellow lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Yellow

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Letra de Yellow

Look at the stars

Look how they shine for you

And everything you do

Yeah, they were all yellow

I came along

I wrote a song for you

And all the things you do

And it was called Yellow

So then I took my turn

Oh, what a thing to have done

And it was all yellow

Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones

Turn into something beautiful

And you know, you know I love you so

You know I love you so

I swam across

I jumped across for you

Oh, what a thing to do

'Cause you were all yellow

I drew a line

I drew a line for you

Oh, what a thing to do

And it was all yellow

And your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones

Turn into something beautiful

And you know, for you, I'd bleed myself dry

For you, I'd bleed myself dry

It's true

Look how they shine for you

Look how they shine for you

Look how they shine for

Look how they shine for you

Look how they shine for you

Look how they shine

Look at the stars

Look how they shine for you

And all the things that you do

Significado de la letra: Yellow

Esta canción "Yellow" del artista "Coldplay" se estrenó el 2024-09-26, tiene una duración de 266.773 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: permanent wave, pop. “Yellow” is the fifth track and second single from Coldplay’s 2000 debut album Parachutes. It is one of their oldest and most enduring hits, continuing to be a celebrated staple of live performances even today.\n\nThe title of the song came from the feel of the band during its composition, which was described as filled with “brightness and hope and devotion.” However, the lyrical content was inspired by lead singer Chris Martin’s “unrequited love”.\n\n(Source: Coldplay: Nobody Said It Was Easy by Martin Roach)
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