The Last Loving Words

Artista: Colter Wall

Duración: 213.653 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2023-07-14

The Last Loving Words lyrics

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Letra de The Last Loving Words

It's a long way round the Llano Estacado

We turned 'em north towards Colorado

Crossed the wide Pecos

The sun, it did bake us

But we're bound to make us a buck

Two thousand long-horn cattle

Some 18 good men in the saddle

We knew of the dangers

Me and that old ranger

Paired up in this strange enterprise

"Goodbye, goodnight

So long, my friend

I fear that New Mexico is where my trial ends

Think of me with kindness"

These were the last loving words

The trails have been all but paved over

So too has the time of the drover

But cowmen remember that night in September

Fort Sumner, these words could be heard

"Goodbye, goodnight

So long, my friend

I fear that New Mexico is where my trial ends

Think of me with kindness"

These were the last loving words

Significado de la letra: The Last Loving Words

Esta canción "The Last Loving Words" del artista "Colter Wall" se estrenó el 2023-07-14, tiene una duración de 213.653 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: canadian americana, canadian contemporary country, outlaw country, saskatchewan indie. This song is about the famous Goodnight-Loving partnership which developed the Goodnight-Loving Trail which was used to herd cattle from Texas.\n\nThe song follows Charles Goodnight and Oliver Loving’s partnership and their cattle drive, ending with Loving’s death.
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