Corralling the Blues

Artista: Colter Wall

Duración: 147.666 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2023-07-14

Corralling the Blues lyrics

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Letra de Corralling the Blues

I might get to thinkin'

That I might, could quit drinkin'

But then what else is there to do

And it's this contemplation

That spurs conversation

With the ceilin' that I've been talkin' to

If I keep my hands workin'

It holds off the hurtin'

For the work is all but true

But when the days at a close

And I'm all alone

You can guess where my mind wanders to

And it's a feelin' I have known

Since before I was grown

I'm howlin', corralling the blues

And it's a feelin' I have known

Since before I was grown

I'm howlin', corralling the blues

I'm howlin', corralling the blues

Significado de la letra: Corralling the Blues

Esta canción "Corralling the Blues" del artista "Colter Wall" se estrenó el 2023-07-14, tiene una duración de 147.666 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: canadian americana, canadian contemporary country, outlaw country, saskatchewan indie. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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