Prairie Evening/Sagebrush Waltz

Artista: Colter Wall

Duración: 215.533 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2023-07-14

Prairie Evening/Sagebrush Waltz lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Prairie Evening/Sagebrush Waltz

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Letra de Prairie Evening/Sagebrush Waltz

One evening, back home on the prairie

Was in the fair month of June

I set aside my fool notions of pride

And it wasn't a moment to soon

There was music, drinkin', and dancin'

I had my fill, if I'm being true

Smack dab, center fire

Stood my own heart's desire

She was shaming the glow of the moon

Sucked down the last of my courage

I cut through the dust and the crowd

And I took her right hand

I asked if she'd stand

Merle Haggard was ringing out loud

And I said, "I'll dance with you if you'll have me

Lord knows I'd be glad to have you

We could burn up this old native prairie

'Til there's sage on the soles of our shoes"

Sage on the soles of our shoes, sweet darlin'

Sage on the soles of our shoes

We could step to the swings and the shuffles

'Til there's sage on the soles of our shoes

Significado de la letra: Prairie Evening/Sagebrush Waltz

Esta canción "Prairie Evening/Sagebrush Waltz" del artista "Colter Wall" se estrenó el 2023-07-14, tiene una duración de 215.533 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: canadian americana, canadian contemporary country, outlaw country, saskatchewan indie. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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