The Coyote & The Cowboy

Artista: Colter Wall

Duración: 200.96 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2023-07-14

The Coyote & The Cowboy lyrics

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Letra de The Coyote & The Cowboy

The coyote's a survivor, reckon he's got to be

He lives in the snow at 40 below, or in Malibu by the sea

An' I'm just an old cowpuncher, I love to listen to his tune

As I get high on a bottle of rye, the coyote gets drunk on the moon

As I get high on a bottle of rye, the coyote gets drunk on the moon

The cowboy's a conundrum, a contradiction in this age

He says he's doing fine on the poverty line with a workin' cowboy's wage

The whiskey bottle costs 32 bucks, the big prairie moon is free

So who is a dumber son of a bitch

The little coyote or me?

Who is a dumber son of a bitch

The little coyote or me?

So with thoughts of reincarnation, well, I drifted off to dream

Made it for a life with a coyote wife, a bushy-tailed coyote queen

Way down in the valley, by the old jasper sealing

The cowboy got high on a bottle of rye, and we got drunk on the moon

The cowboy got high on a bottle of rye, and we got drunk on the moon

The coyote's a survivor, reckon he's got to be

He lives in the snow at 40 below, or in Malibu by the sea

Well, I'm just an old cowpuncher, I love to listen to his tune

As I get high on a bottle of rye, the coyote gets drunk on the moon

As I get high on a bottle of rye, the coyote gets drunk on the moon

Significado de la letra: The Coyote & The Cowboy

Esta canción "The Coyote & The Cowboy" del artista "Colter Wall" se estrenó el 2023-07-14, tiene una duración de 200.96 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: canadian americana, canadian contemporary country, outlaw country, saskatchewan indie. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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