Who's That Chick? (feat. Rihanna)

Artista: David Guetta

Duración: 201.04 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-10-12

Who's That Chick? (feat. Rihanna) lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Who's That Chick? (feat. Rihanna)

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOdmf4N5aPE

Letra de Who's That Chick? (feat. Rihanna)

Feel the adrenaline moving under my skin

It's an addiction, such an eruption

Sound is my remedy feeding me energy

Music is all I need

Baby, I just wanna dance

I don't really care

I just wanna dance

I don't really care

She's been a crazy dita disco diva and you wonder

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Too cold for you to keep her

Too hot for you to leave her

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Back on the dancefloor

Bad enough to take me home

Bass kicking so hard

Blazing through my beating heart

French kissin' on the floor

Heart is beating hardcore

Everybody's getting a little tipsy off the crazy Goose

This will end up on the news

Baby, I just wanna dance

I don't really care

I just wanna dance

I don't really care

She's been a crazy dita disco diva and you wonder

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Too cold for you to keep her

Too hot for you to leave her

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Ultra sexual the night has got me love sprung

I won't stop until the sun is up, oh yeah

My heart is a dancer beating like a disco drum

Ultra sexual the night has got me love sprung

I won't stop until the sun is up, oh yeah

My heart is a dancer beating like a disco drum

Beating like a disco drum

Beating like a disco drum

Beating like a disco drum

She's been a crazy dita disco diva and you wonder

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Too cold for you to keep her

Too hot for you to leave her

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Who's that chick?

Compuesta por: David Guetta, Rihanna ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: Who's That Chick? (feat. Rihanna)

Esta canción "Who's That Chick? (feat. Rihanna)" del artista "David Guetta" se estrenó el 2024-10-12, tiene una duración de 201.04 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: big room, dance pop, edm, pop, pop dance. Die Liste der Lieder des Radio Hamburg Top 825 Oster-Mega-Hit-Marathons.
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