
Artista: Genki Rockets

Duración: 260.293 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2011-09-07

Curiosity lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Curiosity

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Letra de Curiosity

Whenever you feel confused

Lost in the clouds

Mind drifts

Try to find the meaning of life

And take a moment breathe in deep

And open your heart

There's always sunshine


All the good things in your life

Release all the pain

Look up high

Above stars

Darkness there to synchronize sky

And where we are just a step from the light

Look through the clouds there is paradise

See the sky, there is only hope 'cause it's in your future


And feel the sense bloom inside of you

Reach to your heart there is Paradise

And you will shine wherever you are

It's only brightness

Refine, take a chance and survive

Find yourself standing alone


No truth

It's all in the virtual mind

Caught in the eclipse of time

Between day and night

There's only silence


We are connected mind

It's just around the world

Believe change, and

Believe life

The light will guide you to your heart

And where we are just a step from the light

Look through the clouds there is paradise

See the sky, there is only hope 'cause it's in your future


All the good things in your life

Release all the pain

Look up high

Above stars

Darkness there to synchronize sky

And where we are just a step from the light

Look through the clouds there is paradise

See the sky, there is only hope 'cause it's in your future

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Significado de la letra: Curiosity

Esta canción "Curiosity" del artista "Genki Rockets" se estrenó el 2011-09-07, tiene una duración de 260.293 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: j-dance, j-pop, shibuya-kei. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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Este sitio se dedica a la educación musical y el análisis de letras de canciones. Se proporciona contenido con fines de crítica, comentario y enseñanza, de acuerdo con las políticas del sitio.

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