When You Love Someone

Artista: James TW

Duración: 216.56 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2021-08-11

When You Love Someone lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: When You Love Someone

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmaXBf0okvI

Letra de When You Love Someone

Come home early after class

Don't be hangin' round the back of the schoolyard

I've been called up by your teacher

She says she can't even reach you 'cause you're so far

You've been talking with your fists

We didn't raise you up like this, now did we?

There've been changes in this house

Things you don't know about in this family

It don't make sense, but nevertheless

You gotta believe us, it's all for the best

It don't make sense, the way things go

Son you should know

Sometimes mums and dads fall out of love

Sometimes two homes are better than one

Some things you can't tell your sister 'cause she's still too young

Yeah you'll understand

When you love someone

There ain't no one here to blame

And nothing's gonna change with your old friends

Your room will stay the same 'cause you'll only be away on the weekends

It don't make sense but nevertheless

You gotta believe us, it's all for the best

It don't make sense, it don't add up

But we'll always love you no matter what

Sometimes mums and dads fall out of love

Sometimes two homes are better than one

Some things you can't tell your sister 'cause she's still too young

Yeah you'll understand

When you love someone

When you love someone

Come home early after class

Don't be hangin' round the back of the schoolyard

And if we're crying on the couch

Don't let it freak you out cause it's been so hard

Sometimes mums and dads fall out of love

Sometimes the best intentions just ain't enough

Some things you can't tell your sister 'cause she's still too young

Yeah you'll understand

When you love someone

When you love someone

When you love someone

When you love someone

Significado de la letra: When You Love Someone

Esta canción "When You Love Someone" del artista "James TW" se estrenó el 2021-08-11, tiene una duración de 216.56 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: british singer-songwriter, uk pop. James TW explores the topic of divorce in his catchy ballad “When You Love Someone,” which was inspired by a young boy to whom he was teaching drums. James discovered that this kid’s parents were getting divorced before the boy found out, and in order to tell the boy the news in a way he’d understand, James wrote this song.
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