The End of The Road Begins Intro

Artista: Kai Cenat

Duración: 37.278 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2023-05-19

The End of The Road Begins Intro lyrics

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Letra de The End of The Road Begins Intro

Is y'all seeing what I am seeing, man?


Is the Tes moving? We gotta go big

Then these hoes talk about sum

Is family? Of course, it is

I'm not gon' lie, we went from racing to saving the whole entire world

And look at the lineup, daddy, yay

Jamming up BTS

And look they got a nice lil' Latin box to it, draaa

I'm loving that

Turn the volume up

Please, turn the volume up

I'm ready to lock in, and hear what they gotta say

It's my family, man

That's what it's all about

Compuesta por: Kai Cenat, Fast & Furious: The Fast Saga ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: The End of The Road Begins Intro

Esta canción "The End of The Road Begins Intro" del artista "Kai Cenat" se estrenó el 2023-05-19, tiene una duración de 37.278 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: . No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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