Perfect Celebrity

Artista: Lady Gaga

Duración: 229252 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2025-03-07

Perfect Celebrity lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Perfect Celebrity

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Letra de Perfect Celebrity

I'm made of plastic like a human doll

You push and pull me, I don't hurt at all

I talk in circles cuz my brain it aches

You say I love you

I disintegrate

I've become a notorious being

Find my clone she's asleep on the ceiling now

Can't get me down

You love to hate me

I'm the perfect celebrity

So rip off my face in this photograph

Perfect celebrity

You make me money I'll make you laugh

Perfect celebrity

Show me your pretty

I'll show you mine

You love to hate me

I'm the perfect celebrity

I look so hungry but I look so good

Tap on my vein suck on my diamond blood

Choke on the fame and hope it gets you high

Sit in the front row watch the princess die

I've become a notorious being

Find my clone she's asleep on the ceiling now

Can't get me down

You love to hate me

I'm the perfect celebrity

So rip off my face in this photograph

Perfect celebrity

You make me money, I'll make you laugh

Perfect celebrity

Show me your pretty

I'll show you mine

You love to hate me

I'm the perfect celebrity


Perfect celebrity


Perfect celebrity

Ah-ah, na-na-na-na-na

Perfect celebrity


Catch me as I rebound

Without a sound

Save me I'm underground

I can't be found

Hollywood's a ghost town

You love to hate me

I'm the perfect celebrity

So rip off my face in this photograph

Perfect celebrity

You make me money I'll make you laugh

Perfect celebrity

Show me your pretty

I'll show you mine

You love to hate me

You love to hate me


Perfect celebrity

You hate me


Perfect celebrity

Show me your pretty

I'll show you mine

You love to hate me

I'll be your perfect celebrity

I've become a notorious being

Significado de la letra: Perfect Celebrity

Esta canción "Perfect Celebrity" del artista "Lady Gaga" se estrenó el 2025-03-07, tiene una duración de 229252 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: art pop. No se encontró la información de la canción.
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