Garden Of Eden

Artista: Lady Gaga

Duración: 239720 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2025-03-07

Garden Of Eden lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Garden Of Eden

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Letra de Garden Of Eden

Ah-ah-ah-ah, oh-oh-oh-oh

Go get your friends

And meet me on the floor

You're out of candy

I can get you mo-o-ore

You started slurrin'

And then I'll start to squeal

I'm falling over

In my nine-inch heels

Come on

(So hit the lights)

Come on and hit me come on

(DJ, hit the lights)

DJ, come on

(So hit the lights)

Come on and hit me come on

(DJ, hit the lights)

I could be your girlfriend for the weekend

You could be my boyfriend for the night

My excuse to make a bad decision

Bodies gettin' close under the lights (oh)

I've been feelin' this familiar feeling

Like I've known you my whole life (oh)

Take you to the Garden of Eden

Poisoned apple

Take a bite

I'll t-t-take you to the Garden of Eden

I'll t-t-take you to the Garden of Eden

I'll t-t-take you to the Garden of Eden

I'll t-t-take you to the Garden of Eden

You're turnin' green

From the adrenaline

This chick's a machine

But her friend is way more fun

But you can't hear her with the music on

So you say "yes" and then the party's o-o-on

Come on

(So hit the lights)

Come on and hit me come on

(DJ, hit the lights)

I could be your girlfriend for the weekend

You could be my boyfriend for the night

My excuse to make a bad decision

Bodies gettin' close under the lights (oh)

I've been feelin' this familiar feeling

Like I've known you my whole life

Take you to the Garden of Eden

Poisoned apple

Take a bite

I'll t-t-take you to the Garden of Eden

I'll t-t-take you to the Garden of Eden

I'll t-t-take you to the Garden of Eden

I'll t-t-take you to the Garden of Eden

Come on

(So hit the lights)

Come on and hit me come on

(DJ, hit the lights)

Come on

(So hit the lights)

Come on and hit me come on

(DJ, hit the lights)

I could be your girlfriend for the weekend

You could be my boyfriend for the night

My excuse to make a bad decision

Bodies gettin' close under the lights

I've been feelin' this familiar feeling

Like I've known you my whole life

Take you to the Garden of Eden

Poisoned apple

Take a bite

I'll t-t-take you to the Garden of Eden

I'll t-t-take you to the Garden of Eden

I'll t-t-take you to the Garden of Eden

I'll t-t-take you to the Garden of Eden

Significado de la letra: Garden Of Eden

Esta canción "Garden Of Eden" del artista "Lady Gaga" se estrenó el 2025-03-07, tiene una duración de 239720 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: art pop. No se encontró la información de la canción.
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