
Artista: Lady Gaga

Duración: 208.173 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-09-27

Paparazzi lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Paparazzi

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Letra de Paparazzi

We are the crowd

We're c-coming out

Got my flash on, it's true

Need that picture of you

It's so magical

We'd be so fantastical

Leather and jeans

Garage glamorous

Not sure what it means

But this photo of us

It don't have a price

Ready for those flashing lights

'Cause you know that, baby, I

I'm your biggest fan

I'll follow you until you love me


Baby, there's no other superstar

You know that I'll be

Your papa-paparazzi

Promise I'll be kind

But I won't stop until that boy is mine

Baby, you'll be famous

Chase you down until you love me


I'll be your girl

Backstage at your show

Velvet ropes and guitars

Yeah, 'cause you're my rock star

In between the sets

Eyeliner and cigarettes

Shadow is burnt yellow, dance and we turn

My lashes are dry

Purple teardrops I cry

It don't have a price

Loving you is cherry pie

'Cause you know that, baby, I

I'm your biggest fan

I'll follow you until you love me


Baby, there's no other superstar

You know that I'll be

Your papa-paparazzi

Promise I'll be kind

But I won't stop until that boy is mine

Baby, you'll be famous

Chase you down until you love me


Real good, we dance in the studio

Snap, snap, to that shit on the radio

Don't stop for anyone

We're plastic, but we still have fun

I'm your biggest fan

I'll follow you until you love me


Baby, there's no other superstar

You know that I'll be

Your papa-paparazzi

Promise I'll be kind

But I won't stop until that boy is mine

Baby, you'll be famous

Chase you down until you love me


Significado de la letra: Paparazzi

Esta canción "Paparazzi" del artista "Lady Gaga" se estrenó el 2024-09-27, tiene una duración de 208.173 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: art pop, dance pop, pop. In an interview with Daily Telegraph, Gaga said that “Paparazzi” is about “struggling to balance success and love.”\n\nAn excerpt from a separate interview:\n\nThe song is about a few different things–it’s about my struggles, do I want fame or do I want love? It’s also about wooing the paparazzi to fall in love with me. It’s about the media whoring, if you will, watching ersatzes make fools of themselves to their station. It’s a love song for the cameras, but it’s also a love song about fame or love–can you have both, or can you only have one?\n\nThe music video for the song was released in 2008 with controversial reception. It won two MTV Music Video Awards in 2009 for Best Art Direction and Special Effects, where she also carried out one of her most talked about performances to date.
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