I Follow Rivers The Magician Remix

Artista: Lykke Li

Duración: 279.635 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-09-12

I Follow Rivers The Magician Remix lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: I Follow Rivers The Magician Remix

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FXMsoTTcog

Letra de I Follow Rivers The Magician Remix

Oh I beg you, can I follow

Oh I ask you why not always

Be the ocean where unravel

Be my only, be the water where I'm wading

You're my river running high, run deep run wild

I, I follow, I follow you deep sea baby

I follow you

I, I follow, I follow you, dark room honey

I follow you

He a message, I'm the runner

He's the rebel, I'm the daughter waiting for you

You're my river running high, run deep run wild

I, I follow, I follow you deep sea baby

I follow you

I, I follow, I follow you, dark room honey

I follow you

You're my river running high, run deep run wild

I, I follow, I follow you deep sea baby,

I follow you

I, I follow, I follow you, dark room honey,

I follow you

I, I follow, I follow you deep sea baby,

I follow you

I, I follow, I follow you, dark room honey,

I follow you

I, I follow, I follow you deeps sea baby,

I follow you

I, I follow, I follow you, dark room honey,

I follow you

I, I follow, I follow you deep sea baby

I follow you

I, I follow, I follow you dark room honey,

I follow you

I, I follow, I follow you deep sea baby

I follow you

I, I follow, I follow you dark room honey

I follow you

Compuesta por: Lykke Li, The Magician ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: I Follow Rivers The Magician Remix

Esta canción "I Follow Rivers The Magician Remix" del artista "Lykke Li" se estrenó el 2024-09-12, tiene una duración de 279.635 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: art pop, electropop, indietronica, neo-synthpop, swedish electropop, swedish indie pop, swedish pop. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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