New Song

Artista: Maggie Rogers

Duración: 382.613 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2020-12-18

New Song lyrics

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Letra de New Song

Compuesta por: Maggie Rogers, Del Water Gap ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: New Song

Esta canción "New Song" del artista "Maggie Rogers" se estrenó el 2020-12-18, tiene una duración de 382.613 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: indie pop. I think this song is about a relationship in which both people know will ultimately fail, yet they keep holding onto what they had and come to terms with the relationship’s imperfections. “New Song” makes me think they’re trying to rewrite their story into something different, to glaze over the fact that the relationship won’t work. They explore this in the first three verses, then I think the refrain offers acceptance: they realize the relationship will never be perfect or work as they’d like it too, and accept the good it offers anyway. The song comes across as a struggle to reach this final understanding – with no chorus, the verses present vignettes as a build up to the refrain, where the resolution of this conflict is acceptance, that they “don’t mind” and will continue to be in one another’s lives, even if they can’t change their ways. There’s something to be said about the last two minutes of the song that release so much emotional tension.
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