Better Run

Artista: Nasty Cherry

Duración: 195.619 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2021-08-27

Better Run lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Better Run

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Letra de Better Run

We could chill under the warmest covers

And be nothing but the coldest lovers

All my blood is turnin' blue, it's stopped rushin'

Are you okay?

The closer we get, the more I get scared for you

The more I confess, the more I get scared for you

I think you should run, run away from my heart

I'll break you up, stop blaming yourself

You gave enough, but I'm occupied

Better run, better run

Introduce you to my darkest demons

The kind you say you want but don't really mean it

When the truth comes out and you really see me

It'll be too late

The closer we get, the more I get scared for you

The more I confess, the more I get scared for you

I think you should run, run away from my heart

I'll break you up, stop blaming yourself

You gave enough, but I'm occupied

Better run, better run

Would you run away from me?

You better run

Would you run away from me?

Would you walk away

If you could see my mind?

Would you run that far

If you could see inside my heart?

I think you should run, run away from my heart

I'll break you up, stop blaming yourself

You gave enough, but I'm occupied

Better run, better run

I think you should run, run away from my heart

I'll break you up, stop blaming yourself

You gave enough, but I'm occupied

Better run, better run

Would you run away from me?

Would you run away from me?

You better run

Compuesta por: Nasty Cherry ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: Better Run

Esta canción "Better Run" del artista "Nasty Cherry" se estrenó el 2021-08-27, tiene una duración de 195.619 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: modern alternative pop. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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