Natalija Ushkova
Biografía de Natalija Ushkova:
Descripción no disponible.
Álbumes Populares
Estrada 30-kh: Luchshie otechestvennye ispolniteli 30-kh godov XX veka
Artistas Populares
Государственный оркестр народных инструментов п/у Иосифа Жиновича
Jewish Vocal Ensemble of the Belarussian SSR
Наталия Ушкова
Philip Stoner
All-Union Radio Committee Choir
Bobby Richards
All-Union Radio Committee Orchestra
Nikolai Dmitriyev
Галина Прокопенко
Central Band of the Russian Navy
Soprano Amparito Farrar
Eugene Cools
Игорь Сорокин
Zinovii Shulman
David Badridze
Sergei Lemeshev with the Osipov Orchestra of Folk Instruments
Бетті Тузман
Наталья Зазнобина
Thames Symphony Orchestra
Canzonettista De Nardis