Artista: Nessa Barrett

Duración: 197.586 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-11-09


Video de YouTube para la canción: DISCO (FT. TOMMY GENESIS)

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLmTEUbCvyA


(Let's go dancing)

Take me to the disco, set my heart on fire

Wanna see where this goes, make me feel alive

Take me to the disco in your suit and tie

Heaven when we're this close, dance with me tonight

(Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) dance with me tonight

(Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) dance with me tonight

Take me to the disco, dirty when we speak

You know I like it real slow, you control the speed

Take me to the disco, when we sweat in skin

Am I falling in love or falling into sin?

(Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) dance with me tonight

(Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) dance with me tonight

Take me to the disco (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)

Take me to the disco (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)

Take me to the disco (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)

Take me to the disco (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)

I'm not a bad babe, baby, I'm a bandit

And we use a bed, babe, I could be your band-aid

I could wreak some havoc, I'm only into bad boys

Saw you at the disco, I could be your good girl

What's your life like? Water underneath my skin

And my blood boils hotter, I can feel your sweat

In my veins like something's forcin' me to sin

I'm on my knees in the club, pray to God to your hands

It's like I'm walkin' on water over next to you

It's like I'm walkin' on water over next to you

(Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) dance with me tonight

(Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) dance with me tonight

Take me to the disco (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)

Take me to the disco (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)

Take me to the disco (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)

Take me to the disco (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)

Compuesta por: Nessa Barrett, Tommy Genesis ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: DISCO (FT. TOMMY GENESIS)

Esta canción "DISCO (FT. TOMMY GENESIS)" del artista "Nessa Barrett" se estrenó el 2024-11-09, tiene una duración de 197.586 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: . No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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