Start Again

Artista: OneRepublic

Duración: 165.626 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2018-05-18

Start Again lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Start Again

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Letra de Start Again

Can I just turn back the clock?

Forgive my sins

I just wanna roll my sleeves up

And start again

I don't think I messed it up

Time and time again

I just wanna roll my sleeves up

And start again

I was

Switchin' up the lanes

Steppin' out the frame I'm in

I was

Pulling on the reins

Sick of all the same happenin'

I swear I was

Looking for disaster

Mixed with a bottle of gin

And just because

I come home after

Doesn't mean you'll take me in

You see my world is spinning like there's nothing below

You see my world is feeling like it just might explode

And yes, I know it's hard to take it backwards

From my mind

I need to get it right

Need to see some light come in

Can I just turn back the clock?

Forgive my sins

I just wanna roll my sleeves up

And start again

I don't think I messed it up

Time and time again

I just wanna roll my sleeves up

And start again

Feelin' like maybe I'm unappreciated

Like my presence in your life has been alleviated

I feel like everything I've done before is different now

But I can see clearer than ever from a distance now

Every day I do it, I been goin' through it

But you never knew it 'cause I never showed you

You gave me the world, so I feel I owed you

But I been lookin' through the mirror, that's the old you

I'ma get it right now, don't know how

But I promise that we're gonna make it somehow

I'm all in, it's from the heart again

Open up your mind and maybe we could start again

Can I just turn back the clock?

Forgive my sins

I just wanna roll my sleeves up

And start again

I don't think I messed it up

Time and time again

I just wanna roll my sleeves up

And start again

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

And yes know, it's hard to take it backwards

From my mind, I need to get it right

Need to see some light come in

Can I just turn back the clock?

Forgive my sins

I just wanna roll my sleeves up

And start again

Compuesta por: OneRepublic, Logic ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: Start Again

Esta canción "Start Again" del artista "OneRepublic" se estrenó el 2018-05-18, tiene una duración de 165.626 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: piano rock, pop. Every Friday, Spotify compiles the hottest and most notable recent releases. If you want to discover new music and keep up with the freshest songs, listen to the playlist below and read the annotated lyrics.\n\nNEW MUSIC FRIDAY
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