The Only Exception

Artista: Paramore

Duración: 267.653 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2009-09-28

The Only Exception lyrics

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Letra de The Only Exception

Significado de la letra: The Only Exception

Esta canción "The Only Exception" del artista "Paramore" se estrenó el 2009-09-28, tiene una duración de 267.653 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: candy pop, modern rock, pixie, pop, pop emo, pop punk, rock. “The Only Exception” the third single from Paramore’s brand new eyes was co-written between Hayley Williams and Josh Farro at a time when the band was a quintet, the song is a soft ballad, which provides musical diversity to the album. Hayley Williams explained to Kerrang! in 2009:\n\nI’ve never written lyrics like this before. The first verse is about where I think the fear to be open or vulnerable started. Ever since the first story in Kerrang!, everyone has known about my family issues and domestic whatever, it’s something that’s kinda stayed with me and I’ve learned from. I played this song to my mom and there were tears. It was kind of embarrassing.\n\nHayley Williams told Alternative Press in 2010:\n\nThis is the first love song I’ve ever written. And even if I’ve tried in the past, this is the first one that I’m really proud of. I like that I was able to express the fact that I have always been really afraid of love – and I still am at times – but the excitement and the hope that it exists is still very evident in the lyrics. So it’s not like I’m a total cynic! Love is a good thing, kids.\n\nIn terms of its success as a single, it notably reached 24th on the US Billboard’s Top 100 and 31st on the UK’s Single Chart.
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