Pat Razket
Biografía de Pat Razket:
Descripción no disponible.
Álbumes Populares
Hymns from the Abyss
Deeds & Debts
Legends & Tales
Skull and Bones
Never Look Back
Night of O'Malley
Recruiting Day
Black Sails
Artistas Populares
Varend Volk
Worldwide Adventurers
Ticket To Happiness
Ye Banished Privateers
Pride of Bedlam
Pirates For Sail
Musical Blades
Captain Hellfire and the Wretched Brethren
The Dread Crew of Oddwood
R. Morgan Slade
Salt Sea Pirates
Brave the Sea
William Pint & Felicia Dale
Storm Weather Shanty Choir
Captain Loot And His Sea Shanties
Captain's Daughter & The Sailors
The Skullduggers
The American Wake