The Unkillable Soldier

Artista: Sabaton

Duración: 251 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2022-03-04

The Unkillable Soldier lyrics

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Letra de The Unkillable Soldier

Into the fire through trenches and mud

Son of Belgium and Ireland with war in his blood

Leading the charge into hostile barrage

By design, he was made for the frontline

Studied law, with a thirst for war

Fought in Africa, wanted more

Back in Europe then straight to France

He's joining the allied advance

Through the Somme and the Devil's Wood

All the battles that he withstood

Born a soldier, enjoyed the war

He always kept coming for more

Never die, shot through the eye

Never surrender however they try

How they try, shot through the eye

He'll never die!

At the edge of madness, in a time of sadness

An immortal soldier finds his home

Proven under fire, over trench and wire

No fear of death, he's unshakeable

In the battles, when he was shot

Kept on fighting, and never stopped

In Arras, Cambrai, Passchendaele

Ignoring his wounds he prevailed

Save the day, he'll never stray

Facing the foes that are coming his way

Come his way, he'll never stray

Saving the day

At the edge of madness, in a time of sadness

An immortal soldier finds his home

Proven under fire, over trench and wire

Forged for the war, he's unbreakable

At the edge of madness, he will show no sadness

Never broken, he'll be back for more

Proven under fire, over trench and wire

No fear of death, he's unshakeable

Into the fire through trenches and mud

Son of Belgium and Ireland with war in his blood

Leading the charge into hostile barrage

By design, he was made for the frontline

Never die, shot through the eye

Never surrender however they try

How they try, shot through the eye

He'll never die!

At the edge of madness, in a time of sadness

An immortal soldier, edge of madness

At the edge of madness, in a time of sadness

An immortal soldier, finds his home

Proven under fire, over trench and wire

Forged for the war, he's unbreakable

At the edge of madness, he will show no sadness

Never broken, he'll be back for more

Proven under fire, over trench and wire

No fear of death, he is forged for the war

He will always be coming for more!

Significado de la letra: The Unkillable Soldier

Esta canción "The Unkillable Soldier" del artista "Sabaton" se estrenó el 2022-03-04, tiene una duración de 251 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: power metal, metal, pirate metal, heavy metal, melodic metal. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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