
Artista: Sabaton

Duración: 298 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2022-03-04

Dreadnought lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Dreadnought

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJK0jhymE5A

Letra de Dreadnought

A shadow moves across the water in pursuit

It splits the waves, commands the sea and defies the wind

Instilling fear among its prey, feels nought for itself

Ahead the sea lies calm awaiting the storm

Displace the water in its path

Reveal the cannons, align the guns, unleash their wrath!

Unopposed under crimson skies

Immortalized, over time their legend will rise

And their foes can't believe their eyes, believe their size, as they fall

And the dreadnoughts dread nothing at all

A hull of steel and all big guns to serve the fleet

Unrivalled firepower riding the waves to war

A devastating blow will send their foes down below

Fearless armada now bombarding their shore

Light up the night when cannons roar

In fear of nothing, they lead the navy into war!

Unopposed under crimson skies

Immortalized, over time their legend will rise

And their foes can't believe their eyes, believe their size, as they fall

And the dreadnoughts dread nothing at all

The North Sea has drawn them near

The fleet of the High Seas approach

A contest of titans commence

These days will dictate their fate

The grand fleet prepares their guns

Unleashed as the dreadnoughts clash at last

Unopposed under crimson skies

Immortalized, over time their legend will rise

And their foes can't believe their eyes, believe their size, as they fall

And the dreadnoughts dread nothing at all

Significado de la letra: Dreadnought

Esta canción "Dreadnought" del artista "Sabaton" se estrenó el 2022-03-04, tiene una duración de 298 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: power metal, metal, pirate metal, heavy metal, melodic metal. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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