Great War

Artista: Sabaton

Duración: 268.266 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2023-04-14

Great War lyrics

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Letra de Great War

Where dead men lies I'm paralyzed

My brothers' eyes are gone

And he shall be buried here

Nameless marks his grave

Mother home, get a telegram

And shed a tear of grief

Mud and blood, in foreign land

Trying to understand

Where is this greatness I've been told?

This is the lies that we've been sold

Is this a worthy sacrifice?

Great War

And I cannot take more

Great tour

I keep on marching on

I play the great score

There will be no encore

Great War

The war to end all wars

I'm standing here, I'm full of fear

With bodies at my feet

Over there, in the other trench

Bullets wear my name

Lead ahead, as the captain said

And show them no remorse

Who am I to understand

What have I become?

I do my duties, pay the price

I'll do the worthy sacrifice

I know my deeds are not in vain

Great War

And I cannot take more

Great tour

I keep on marching on

I play the great score

There will be no encore

Great War

The war to end all wars

And feet by feet

We pay the price of a mile, here

Though men are falling

We see heroes rise

We face the heat

As we are fighting until the dawn

So follow me, and we will write our own history

Great War

And I cannot take more

Great tour

I keep on marching on

I play the great score

There will be no encore

Great War

The war to end all wars

Significado de la letra: Great War

Esta canción "Great War" del artista "Sabaton" se estrenó el 2023-04-14, tiene una duración de 268.266 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: power metal, metal, pirate metal, heavy metal, melodic metal. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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