The Valley of Death

Artista: Sabaton

Duración: 253 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2022-03-04

The Valley of Death lyrics

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Letra de The Valley of Death

Dug in deep, equipped for attack

Outnumbered, determined to win

Double trench lines that won't give in

They're prepared let the battle begin

Here again they've done this before

A lesson that they should have learned by now

Reinforced with new men and guns

Who are ready for death when it comes

United they're strong, united they're holding the line

The Valley of Death, awaiting the British as they come their way

Their attack is coming fight them back

Bulgarians holding the line

Facing wave after wave, will never surrender

Again, again, again, again!

They attack, Bulgaria held them back

Unleash their counter barrage

Let it rain artillery pounding the trenches

No surrender, fight them until the end!

Fortified, and made to defy

Protected by wires and guns

Troops as far as the eye can see

They advance under Vazovs command

Row on row, as they come from below

Twice they attack, twice they're beaten back

Every time they try, they will die

Their line of defence is still intact

For white, green and red, for the nation they're fighting for

The British are done, three times the defence of Doiran has been won

Their attack is coming fight them back

Bulgarians holding the line

Facing wave after wave, will never surrender

Again, again, again, again!

They attack, Bulgaria held them back

Unleash their counter barrage

Let it rain artillery pounding the trenches

No surrender, fight them until the end!

For white, green and red, for the nation they're fighting for

The British are done, three times the defence of Doiran has been won

Their attack is coming fight them back

Bulgarians holding the line

Facing wave after wave, will never surrender

Again, again, again, again!

They attack, Bulgaria held them back

Unleash their counter barrage

Let it rain artillery pounding the trenches

No surrender, fight them until the end!

Fight them until the end!

Significado de la letra: The Valley of Death

Esta canción "The Valley of Death" del artista "Sabaton" se estrenó el 2022-03-04, tiene una duración de 253 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: power metal, metal, pirate metal, heavy metal, melodic metal. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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