Lady of the Dark

Artista: Sabaton

Duración: 183 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2022-03-04

Lady of the Dark lyrics

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Letra de Lady of the Dark

Who shall be remembered

In the ancient house of war?

All the medals, all those stories

In the alley of the greats

Celebrated hero

Who has wandered through the dark

She stand before you

All that metal shining bright

Lost in time, returning to the light

Bow before, this lady fight for life

(So sister)

Raise your hand

For the lady of the dark

Soldier with no will to kill

With a philanthropic heart (forever)

Break the norm

She's the girl in uniform

Fighting side by side with men

She will fight until the end

Lied to be respected

And to change her brothers fate

Took a bullet, earned her freedom

And a place among the stars

And she served the Iron squadron

Served the toughest of them all

No fear of dying

For the frontline, she was born

Sacrifice, she took her brothers place

War to war, a place where she belong

(So brother)

Raise your hand

For the lady of the dark

Soldier with no will to kill

With a philanthropic heart (forever)

Break the norm

She's the girl in uniform

Fighting side by side with men

She will fight until the end

Don't fear the reaper

Don't fear the war

She spared the life of brothers

She'll fight for honour

She'll fight for life

A lady goes to war

Raise your hand

For the lady of the dark

Raise your hand

For the lady of the dark

Soldier with no will to kill

With a philanthropic heart (forever)

Break the norm

She's the girl in uniform

Fighting side by side with men

She will fight until the end!

Significado de la letra: Lady of the Dark

Esta canción "Lady of the Dark" del artista "Sabaton" se estrenó el 2022-03-04, tiene una duración de 183 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: power metal, metal, pirate metal, heavy metal, melodic metal. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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