Looking For The Hoes (Ain’t My Fault)
Artista: Sexyy Red
Duración: 130.707 segundos
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2023-12-01
Video de YouTube para la canción: Looking For The Hoes (Ain’t My Fault)
URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpgLDz2tuXoLetra de Looking For The Hoes (Ain’t My Fault)
Compuesta por: Sexyy Red ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.
Letra añadida por Antonio Giraldo ¿Viste algún error? Envíanos una revisión.
Significado de la letra: Looking For The Hoes (Ain’t My Fault)
Esta canción "Looking For The Hoes (Ain’t My Fault)" del artista "Sexyy Red" se estrenó el 2023-12-01, tiene una duración de 130.707 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: trap queen. “Looking For the Hoes (Aint My Fault)” is another hit by female rapper Sexxy Red.\n\nI’m lookin for the hoes\n\nis inspired by her first hit song called Pound Town, in which she rapped the exact line in the chorus of the song:\n\nWhere the niggas? I’m lookin\' for the hoes\n\nThe beat features a hard-hitting bass and a dark melody, which were produced by Don Alfonso, Melz, Truebeatzz and Menace.\n\nThe song was paired with a energetic-music video, which released on the 30th of June. It was directed by Diesel Filmz and was edited by Diego Ferri.
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