Whenever, Wherever

Artista: Shakira

Duración: 196.16 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2001-11-13

Whenever, Wherever lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Whenever, Wherever

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weRHyjj34ZE

Letra de Whenever, Wherever

Lucky you were born that far away so

We could both make fun of distance

Lucky that I love a foreign land for

The lucky fact of your existence

Baby, I would climb the Andes solely

To count the freckles on your body

Never could imagine there were only

Ten million ways to love somebody

Le-do-lo-le-lo-le, le-do-lo-le-lo-le

Can't you see? I'm at your feet

Whenever, wherever

We're meant to be together

I'll be there, and you'll be near

And that's the deal, my dear

There over, hereunder

You'll never have to wonder

We can always play by ear

But that's the deal, my dear

Lucky that my lips not only mumble

They spill kisses like a fountain

Lucky that my breasts are small and humble

So you don't confuse 'em with mountains

Lucky I have strong legs like my mother

To run for cover when I need it

And these two eyes that for no other

The day you leave, will cry a river

Le-do-lo-le-lo-le, le-do-lo-le-lo-le

At your feet, I'm at your feet

Whenever, wherever

We're meant to be together

I'll be there, and you'll be near

And that's the deal, my dear

There over, hereunder

Or up above, don't wonder

We can always play by ear

But that's the deal, my dear

Le-do-lo-le-lo-le, le-do-lo-le-lo-le

Think out loud, say it again


Tell me one more time

That you'll live lost in my eyes

Whenever, wherever

We're meant to be together

I'll be there, and you'll be near

And that's the deal, my dear

There over, hereunder

You got me head over heels

There's nothing left to fear

If you really feel the way I feel

Whenever, wherever

We're meant to be together

I'll be there, and you'll be near

And that's the deal, my dear

There over, hereunder

You got me head over heels

There's nothing left to fear

If you really feel the way I feel

Significado de la letra: Whenever, Wherever

Esta canción "Whenever, Wherever" del artista "Shakira" se estrenó el 2001-11-13, tiene una duración de 196.16 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: latin pop, latin. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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