Orange County Punk Rock Legend

Artista: The Garden

Duración: 100.493 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2022-09-08

Orange County Punk Rock Legend lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Orange County Punk Rock Legend

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Letra de Orange County Punk Rock Legend


I've tried my hand, cut through the scene

Fell into shit I'd never seen

Tipped some cows with some gasoline

Cut my hand with a skate so I could bleed

Nothing sure that I've ever seen

Except one sure thing that I'll always be

One sure thing that I'll always be

One sure thing that I'll always be

Nothing sure that I've ever seen

Except one sure thing that I'll always be

Nothing sure that I've ever seen

Except one sure thing that I'll always be

Nothing sure that I've ever seen

Except one sure thing that I'll always be

(Orange County punk rock legend)

I've tried my hand, cut through the scene

Fell into shit I'd never seen

Tipped some cows with some gasoline

Cut my hand so I could always bleed

Nothing sure that I've ever seen

Except one sure thing that I'll always be

One sure thing that I'll always be

Tried my hand, cut through the scene

Fell into shit that I'd never seen

Tipped some cows with some gasoline

Cut my hand so I could always bleed

Nothing sure that I've ever seen

Except one sure thing that I'll always be

One sure thing that I'll always be

One sure thing that I'll always be

(Orange County punk rock legend)

Significado de la letra: Orange County Punk Rock Legend

Esta canción "Orange County Punk Rock Legend" del artista "The Garden" se estrenó el 2022-09-08, tiene una duración de 100.493 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: art punk, oc indie. The song reflects on a sense of identity and self-assurance amidst experiences of uncertainty and experimentation, emphasizing a steadfast belief in one’s essence or core identity, possibly within the context of punk rock culture and its associated ethos.
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