What Else Could I Be But a Jester

Artista: The Garden

Duración: 113 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2022-09-08

What Else Could I Be But a Jester lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: What Else Could I Be But a Jester

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSKoeGx8ixw

Letra de What Else Could I Be But a Jester

What else could he be, but a jester?

In a make-out session with aggression

Putting morals into question

Seven minutes in Heaven

Every twenty-four hours, I'm raffling

Handprint on my face, and nobody smacked me

A ghostly caress on my cheek has me laughing and gagging

Hear my body fucking bragging

About the brain that's still lagging

Elevator to the bottom of my ribcage

Flip it to the next page, letters all stacked on each other

Lost touch with a goal, vision is blurred

Ran straight into a pole

Elevator to the bottom of my ribcage

Flip it to the next page, letters all stacked on each other

Lost touch with a goal, vision is blurred

Ran straight into a pole

I was in Chicken Run, that's why I'm here now

So many stories, yeah, so much drama, wow

Everyone treats me like an old smoke stack

Like the tilted brim of a Party City hat

I can't get a word in, can't get nothing down

Nothing on paper except the layout of this ghost town

I write Tonapah cleverly, like Goldfield's elderly

Wobbling down a brick road, I hunt for my reflection

No more algorithm when I'm in the rhythm section

Mental inspection, always searching for perfection

Like Halloween candy, I give out brilliant affection

Creeping around the city

Whip around the corner

Pull up to a Dell, let me take your order

Peaking out my window, see a hearse doing donuts

Time to close the shutters

Time to close the shutters

Elevator to the bottom of my ribcage

Flip it to the next page, letters all stacked on each other

Lost touch with a goal, vision is blurred

Ran straight into a pole

Significado de la letra: What Else Could I Be But a Jester

Esta canción "What Else Could I Be But a Jester" del artista "The Garden" se estrenó el 2022-09-08, tiene una duración de 113 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: art punk, oc indie. “What Else Could I Be But a Jester?” is an ode to the twins’ fun, trickster attitude.\n\nIn an interview with Esquire, the twins elaborate “It’s almost like asking ‘What else could I be but myself?’. We’re naturally sarcastic, trickster-y. On stage it translates to a kind of roll around, somersault, entertaining vibe.”
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