A Message For Myself

Artista: The Garden

Duración: 168 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2018-03-30

A Message For Myself lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: A Message For Myself

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDhZTuJ3l1Q

Letra de A Message For Myself

Generally I am a pretty happy person

Not a lot to say in that department

But if I had a lot to say

You probably would've heard it already

I'm driven to drive fast and get it done

And so are my counter parts

It's all about putting yourself

In people's shoes, you know?

I wanna go fast but I can't go too fast

Almost like I'm driving on black ice

I've gotta be careful

Or else I'll slip and fall all the way down

Keep in mind try not to hide

Everyone looks deep inside

Plenty of people living in this world

Yeah you get what you envision living in the west

Won't take freedom like medicine

Yeah I take it as a gift I had nothing to do with

Take me to a place just like this

With loved ones experience bliss, yeah

Fear is like a sickness, yeah - you can't jog away

Afraid of what you've never seen but heard it isn't great

Now we're on the best one, can't take this shit away

Don't take a life for pocket change or skies are turning grey

A lot of the time when you fall down

There is someone who can pick you back up

And help you get back on your feet

In my life right now I have that

And that makes me a lucky person

Some people don't have that

And it makes me wonder how the world works

People can't always have ideal situations

Served on a silver platter

And others have to fight harder

I guess it all depends on how hard you fight

Maybe you're being punished for your past life

Whatever the case is, I definitely feel for you

Because in the end, everyone has problems

And life tries to teach you something

No matter how many times you've lived

So keep in mind that everyone is equal

Nothing you do makes you more human than anyone else

Plenty of people living in this world

Yeah you get what you envision living in the west

Won't take freedom like medicine

Yeah I take it as a gift I had nothing to do with

Fear is like a sickness, yeah - you can't jog away

Afraid of what you've never seen but heard it isn't great

Now we're on the best one, can't take this shit away

Don't take a life for pocket change or skies are turning grey

Significado de la letra: A Message For Myself

Esta canción "A Message For Myself" del artista "The Garden" se estrenó el 2018-03-30, tiene una duración de 168 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: art punk, oc indie. The song reflects on themes of happiness, the need for caution in pursuing goals, the value of empathy, appreciation for life’s gifts, and the recognition of shared humanity despite varying life circumstances.
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