The Lamas Of The Nyingmapa Monastery Of Dehra Dun
Biografía de The Lamas Of The Nyingmapa Monastery Of Dehra Dun:
Descripción no disponible.
Álbumes Populares
Tibetan Ritual
Musical Sources
People at Prayer
Ritual Chant and Music
Artistas Populares
Twa Musicians of Chief Biniga
Adjuran tribesmen
Z. Shadrina
Kemukserar and Pangatkar
Waito Shepherd
Batul Ziyayî
Juste Après La Construction D'un Nouveau Campement
Madu Paul
Ensemble from Hwe Sai Koh
Joe Sikvayunak
Plus Tard, Dans La Même Nuit
Female and male singers
Two aboriginal Songmen with didjeridu
Ya' Noi
Twa Women
Women's group from the village of Novokumskaia
Musicians of Ruhengeri