Out of Time

Artista: The Weeknd

Duración: 214.19 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2022-01-07

Out of Time lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Out of Time

URL de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxgj5af8zg4

Letra de Out of Time

Significado de la letra: Out of Time

Esta canción "Out of Time" del artista "The Weeknd" se estrenó el 2022-01-07, tiene una duración de 214.19 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: canadian contemporary r&b, canadian pop, pop. The Weeknd flips a City Pop classic, sampling the 1983 song “Midnight Pretenders” by Japanese artist Tomoko Aran, and goes introspective on “Out of Time.” The track features a distressed Abel, as he realizes the mistakes he made in his relationship and croons for a second chance on the sleek, sensual sounding cut.\n\nAs some fans noticed on Reddit, “Out of Time” has also a very similar song structure to the artist’s 2016 hit song “I Feel It Coming,” so much that the two tracks can be almost entirely overlapped with each other.\n\nAfter teasing stills of the music video on Twitter, the video was released on April 6, 2022, featuring actors Jim Carrey and Hoyeon.
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